It seems the world we live in is set up to reach the destination-
the next goal – the next award- the next client-
the next degree- the next championship.
We can still applaud these efforts of determination and drive.
There is great satisfaction in overcoming our obstacles
to reach our goals and our dreams.
In my last newsletter I talked about creating your
personal mission statement to experience”total success”.
I want to offer some reflections in today’s newsletter
to have you think about your “total success” in a new way.
I have to admit in my earlier career I wasn’t aware that
I was even on any journey. I just wanted to accomplish
my goals and I justified all my efforts by telling myself
that it was good to create success and accomplishments.
I still think it is worthwhile to work hard and create
success and accomplishments. But in looking back on
my journey now, I think I may have left “litter”on the
side of the road. How is your journey going?
Perhaps it can be helpful to ask yourself some questions:
Are my efforts and actions in harmony with my
Personal Mission- my life aims and values?
Am I respecting others and myself as I take my journey?
What will I become after I have reached my destination?
Zig Zigler, one of our most successful motivational
speakers and entrepreneurs suggests that:
“What you get reaching your destination is
not nearly as important as what you will
become by reaching your destination.”
If a client wants to work with me to achieve success
in their business or professional goals, they
don’t often ask for information about the
destination/journey aspects of their life.
However, I do try to incorporate these concepts on a
regular basis in the strategies we work on to achieve success.
By focusing periodically on the destination/journey aspects
of their work and their life, the achievement of their
goals becomes much more long lasting and satisfying.
I can see for myself, as I became more responsible
and considerate in my efforts to reach my destination,
I experienced more joy and satisfaction on my journey.
Good luck this week on remembering the value of your
journey as you strive to reach your destination.
“It is good to have an end to journey toward;
but it is the journey that matter in the end.”
Ursula K. Le Guin
Are you having difficulty with either your destination or your
journey? Let me show you how to find a successful balance
between the two.
Looking forward to connecting in the future.
Louise Cohen